piątek, 7 lutego 2025
Imieniny: PL: Ryszarda, Teodora, Wilhelminy| CZ: Veronika
Glos Live

English Voice - 25. 6. 2024 | 25.06.2024

Read the highlights of recent events in the region. Selected by Norbert Dąbkowski.

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Jablunkov: Stage Modernized
Construction of a small covered stage has begun in the Jablunkov City Forest. It should be ready by the end of June. This is not a new facility, but a reconstruction of an outdoor stage destroyed some time ago by a tree blown over during a windstorm.

Crew of Boconowice Fan Club won 5th World Polish Sailing Championships
The crew of the Boconowice Fan Club triumphed in the 5th World Polonia Sailing Championships, which ended on Sunday, June 23. The fate of the championship, as many as five crews from Zaolzie started, was decided at the first starts. This is because the weather did not allow the competition to take place on the third day of the competition. The best proved to be the team consisting of Grzegorz Skupień, Andrea Skupień-Kapsia, Eliza Julia Skupień and Tiana Berenika Skupień.

Concert surprises. What did Beata Brzóska and her charges come up with this time?
The last concert of the school year by the "Trallala" and "Trallalinka" choirs from the Elementary School with the Polish Language of Teaching in Český Těšín was an opportunity to boast of their developed repertoire and successes and - here a surprise - new conductors, the role of which was played by four choristers.

Martin Hyský, new coach of MFK Karvina
The 48-year-old former stopper, and most recently the coach of the second-league team Vlašim, will lead the MFK Karviná team in the new season. - One of my goals was to become one of the coaches of the first league, and I'm happy that the club's board of directors took an interest in me," Martin Hyský admitted.

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