English Voice - 22. 12. 2024 | 22.12.2024
Read the highlights of recent events in the region. Selected by Norbert Dąbkowski.
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Daniel Kadlubiec is preparing a dictionary of all times
In 2025, or
at the latest at the beginning of 2026, a dictionary of the Cieszyn dialect
will be published, which is the most comprehensive and at the same time the most
systematized work of this genre so far. Its author is none other than Professor
Karol Daniel Kadłubiec. As he points out, the dictionary will be followed by a
The longest
loop in the region. Outdoor enthusiasts will have to wait until spring for the
attractive Christmas present for rollerblading or cycling enthusiasts has been
prepared by the city of Bogumin. The construction of a loop around Lake
Wierzbice has just been completed. It is 5.7 kilometers long and is the longest
such route in the entire Moravian-Silesian region.
Games: Integration through skates and skis
The sports
part of the rivalry in the 16th World Polish Winter Games kicked off on
Thursday at sports arenas in Wisła and Cieszyn. Organizers from the Polish
Community Association are nevertheless disturbed by the capricious weather.
Snow lies only in the upper parts of the Beskidy Mountains, including
Kubalonka, where cross-country skiing was held on Friday.
Moses strengthened Chance League leader
sparrows on the rooftops have been chirping about it for a long time. This week
their song took real shape – David Moses, a 20-year-old midfielder for soccer
club MFK Karviná, will play in the colors of Chance Liga leader Slavia Prague
in the spring round. The talented Nigerian is moving to Slavia after spending
two seasons on the Olza River.